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i just stumbled across this game and i decided to give it a try, and oh boy, it was fantastic, the game-play is so clean and enjoyable, and i wish there's more content in the future :D

(2 edits)

Hi. I just finished playing your game “OverGun” and I really liked it, albeit a bit short. 

The music and sound effects you used are great and the character moves very smoothly. The recoil feels nice and it can get very crazy when you hold the Spacebar.

Things you could add or change:


Iframes would be nice and I think you know why.

If Iframes aren’t your style, add a dodge mechanic or slow mo to evade your bullets.

How much you hold the jump button should determine how high the player jumps.

Give the coins a use for example you can buy guns or maybe even upgrade your character. 

You probably are already doing that and it isn’t implemented because it's a game jam game.

The only enemies are walking dude, ghost and bat. The bat and the ghost are essentially the same thing and the dude will just walk on a predetermined line and will not attempt to follow the player. Then again, it’s a game jam game and you’ll probably add more enemies and change their mechanics.

Change the colour of the player and the enemies, so you can differentiate them from the background. (optional)

When the bullets touch, they destroy themselves(very optional)

I’ll paint a picture for you of a thing you could add. You are jumping and you happen to fall on an enemy, the player should bump back with them. This doesn't only apply when you are falling. It should always be active. It’s kinda weird that they die if you touch them, how about they just bump back when they touch instead of vanishing.




I just found six bugs. In the first one, you won't die if you jump into the pit to the right and to the left of the last level.

 The second one is weirder and almost went unnoticed. On the penultimate level, there's a coin above a platform and to the right of the coin, there's another platform this one has a walking guy or zombie, 2 ghosts and a bat. The Ai for the zombie is normal but the 2 ghosts and the bat will only notice you if you happen to fall on the platform with the coin on it and on the last level, the ghosts won't notice you but that is probably meant to happen. Weird.

The third one is also weird and I don’t know how I realized. Most of the platforms have a section underneath them where there are a lot of dots spread around. From what I saw, that is mostly unsolid and you can jump into it but, on the level the zombie made his debut ,the only platform with spikes on the top, has a solid underneath and you won’t be able to jump through it.

Really I have no clue how I found the next one. The right side has priority. What I mean with this is that when you’re walking right, you won't walk the other way if you press the left 

button(both left and right are being pressed). But if you’re walking left, you’ll change directions if you hold the right button.

The bullets just sometimes get glued to the walls or floor, essentially becoming a landmine and after a while, they disappear. I did this by shooting the wall and moving back and forth. But this is only most of the time consistent. The image at the top shows the bullet.

This one is simple. When you shoot and your characters back is touching a wall or box, after you finished firing your gun, you won't be able to turn the other way without first walking in the direction you just shot to.



After you get to the credits, If you press “F2” you’ll enter a new level. The level has a crossbow and you can shoot the arrows onto the wall and later jump on them. I also found a bug here that I didn’t mention in the bug text. If you are too close to the wall and shoot, your arrow will shoot and get stuck in the wall.

The second time I came to this level, I noticed the door in the sky but I couldn’t reach it. I used the prototype gun and shot the wall. I still couldn't reach it, so I shot an arrow at the arrow I shot before and it worked! After making a line of arrows, I entered the door but to my disappointment, there wasn't anything there.

I went back there a third time and I tried my hardest to glitch out and go back to the first level but I couldn’t.

Anyways, a really fun experience and I wouldn't mind buying it on steam when It gets eventually finished.

hey there! im thee creator of the tileset you used int your game and im just so happy to see my art used in a super polished game like this.
i see that you have changed the tilese a little bit and added some tiles of your own. im not here to claim creadit or anything. i just want to know if you have any suggestions or ideas that i can add to the next update of my tileset :)

Hi PixelHole, we were thinking of an 1-bit aesthetic for our game in GMTK Game Jam, and we thought your free asset was the perfect starting point for us. As you realize, we have made changes to the tile set to suit our specific needs. However, we do acknowledge you as the main creator of this style (your name and link was mentioned in the readme file) and we will continue to give you credit upon launching our final game! As far as ideas go, I think that some more environment styles would be a really good addition (you have made the dungeon tile set, maybe add Forest, desert, cave ...etc). I am happy that you reached out and I hope we can stay in touch. It would be cool to get your feedback on the visuals of the game as we move forward with it.

also, you can check our twitter to see our progress with the game.


Amazing presentation. The first few seconds were amazing, the tutorial was flawless. The game overall is very fun. A bit frustrating because the bullets are very hard to predict, but that fits the theme completely, so congratulations! Amazing work :D